At Thelo we can help anyone.
Overweight and hoping to turn your life around.
Dealing with mental health issues.
Struggling with everyday life in general.
Take that first step to make a change!
My company Thelo enables you to get your journey started
Holistic Development
What is the process?
We start by talking, walking and building (literally and metaphorically) achievable goals together and through this process we introduce you to a step by step, kick by kick process of Martial Arts Therapy.
Taking individual small steps leading into a transformation journey of self discovery, using a combination of expressive therapies leading to MAT and how you can achieve your full potential.
We take a unique, holistic approach and bring to the table years of experience in fitness/martial arts training and counselling. Tailoring each program to suit the individual, no program is the same.
What is Martial Arts Therapy
Martial Arts Therapy (MAT) refers to the usage of Martial Arts as an alternative or complementary therapy for a mental health disorder. This can include disorders of the body or of the mind.
Martial arts and mental illness are an excellent therapeutic combination. The martial arts can help with mental illness symptoms by redirecting aggression, teaching confidence, and helping individuals set boundaries and sticking to them.
Help children, adolescents and adults recognise their potential through the delivery of Martial Arts.
People with mental illness often lack confidence. Martial arts are one of many ways to gain self-confidence. Martial arts teach assertiveness and the more you study, the more confident you become.
“Failing is never trying so if you always try you will never fail”